Gonexa University

Initial training

The Gonexa Doc solution is Gonexa's historic solution for generating a document from a template in the format .docx. xlsx .pptx .pdf

We're going to go through 3 simple steps to achieve this:

  • Creating the basic configuration in Salesforce
  • Word document design
  • Loading the model into Salesforce to make it available to users


  • Have done the complete installation of the package
  • Master the basics of Microsoft Word or Google Docs
  • Update the package to the latest version

Basic Setup in Salesforce

Basic creation of the new template
  • Click on the “Document template” tab
  • Click on “New”, by default you create a “Main” template
  • Give the model a name: It will appear to the user if several models are present on the same Salesforce object
Selecting the main object
  • Click on the “Document Template” tab
  • Click on “New”
  • Define the prefix, here we expect a text that will be fixed for all generations and that will compose the first part of the file name
  • Define the suffix, choose a field on the main object that will make up the 2nd part of the file name dynamically. Tip, you can create a formula field on the main object to have a more personalized file name
  • Choose the version management policy, and the desired output formats
  • Save
Creating child objects

Child objects are items that are linked to the main object. These are the “lists associated” with your main object. For example, we will have the “Opportunity Products” linked to an opportunity.

Important, it is not mandatory to have a child object to allow a generation. Only the main object is mandatory.

  • Go to the “Gonexa Assistant” component to access the creation of child objects
  • Click on “+ Child object”
  • Choose the relevant Salesforce object
  • By default, the label is fed with the object's API name, but you can change it for greater clarity in the model
  • Add a filter if you want to filter the child records to be retrieved
  • Add sorting if you want to apply one for the results in the child table
  • Finalize this part by clicking on “Create”

For more details on children's objects, go to the article Manage tables

Design in Word


You can start from a document template that you already have or download a pre-designed template directly accessible via our page: Pre-designed templates

Create the static part of the document
  • Make sure to layout your document completely on the part that will not change at the time of generation
  • Simply provide tables in your word for everything that will concern “Child Objects” (ex: Opportunity Products)
Open the Assistant
  • In the template document, click on “Access Tags” in the Gonexa Assistant component
  • Allow the assistant to communicate with your Salesforce (to be done only once)
  • Set the window that opened with the main object and the child objects to the correct size
Inserting tags from the Assistant

You will need to know what information you want to dynamically generate in your template.

  • Click on the object in the Assistant to display the available fields
  • Use the search bar to filter
  • Click on the desired field (this field is copied to your clipboard)
  • All that's left to do is paste to the desired location in your document
  • You can also click on the arrows to navigate between object relationships and search for information related to the main object (move up relationships)
  • Configure the formatting of the tag with the Word standard (size, color, alignment, bold...)

💡 Astuce, vous pouvez ajouter la balise générique {!gnx|documentdateD} afin d'avoir la date de génération du document. Cette balise est également disponible dans l'Assistant.

Save the word to your computer
  • Make sure to save your word template in a clean directory to find it easily
  • For users of the Google Workspace suite with Google Doc, save your template in the format Word (.docx)

Important : It is recommended to keep the weight of the file as small as possible to optimize the generation

Publish your template

Adding the template to the template document
  • Go back to setting up the document template in Salesforce
  • Click on “Add a template”
  • Select on your word template from the file explorer
  • Click on “Open”
  • Wait a few seconds for the success message to appear
Typical mistakes
  • Make sure your template is in one of the following formats: “.docx” “.pptx” “.xlsx” or “.pdf”
  • In case of a red dot and incorrect tags, a Merge fields icon allowing you to check and verify the erroneous tags in order to correct them in your Word
Template testing
  • This part is important to validate that the model is working as expected.
  • Enter the name of a record in your main object (e.g. Edge Installation) to find a record
  • Click on “Generate”

Your model is now available for generation to anyone who has the “Gonexa Doc Users permission sets” permission set.

Quickly access the content and the generated document
  • From the “Journals” tab, find the generations of your document template
  • Access the Log of your choice, click on Record to access the generation record
  • And click on Document to access the generated file

    In the case of a log error, there is no Document generated

Document preview management

Your generated document appears in the standard Salesforce preview by default. You can overload it with the Gonexa preview.

  • From the page of your generated file, click on edit the page
  • From the custom components, drag and drop the Gonexa - File Preview action onto the page

    💡 Tip, This gives your users access to useful commands such as printing, zooming, or quickly downloading the generated document.

  • Save

    ⚠️ Attention, If, when generating the document, the user cannot see the generated template, refer to the management of the document template sharing rules; if the user is in private, access to the template may be blocked if no sharing rule has not been created, we recommend that you change the sharing template setting to public (read-only).

Filter template visibility


[Optional] Make document generation available based on a criterion based on your main object.

Create a visibility condition
  • Go to the model configuration
  • Go to the “Filter the display of the model to users” section
  • Set the desired condition (s) and click on Validate

    You can add as many conditions as needed and choose whether they should be strictly checked with AND or if one can be verified with OR.

Best practices in Word


We are going to go through 3 simple steps to design a Word document:

  • Structuring the document
  • Add content
  • Organizing information


  • Have a Microsoft Word license

Structuring the document

TIP #1

Create a stable, consistent, and clean document by starting with structuring your document.

See hidden layouts
  • Activate spaces, line breaks, page breaks, and section changes by clicking on the “Show layout marks” symbol from the Home tab
Design the appearance of the document
  • From the Insert tab, choose the orientation of the document or section
  • From the Design tab, choose the color of the background of the page, and its borders and watermarks
Define margins
  • From the Layout tab, choose the margin format: default or custom

    💡 Change the spacings by hand with horizontal & vertical rulers

Add content

TIP #2
Managing font settings

Set your titles, subtitles, and body text by creating your own default fonts from the Style Panel tab from Home.

💡 Use the “Reproduce Formatting” tool to homogenize fonts

Choice of fonts

Incorporate new fonts when you save your Word.

  • In the menu, select Preferences
  • In the dialog box (Microsoft) under Output and Share, select Save
  • Under Font Embeds, select Embed fonts in the file.

    💡 Tick only include characters used in the presentation to reduce file size

  • Click the File tab, then click Option (lower left corner of the window)
  • In the left column, select the Save tab
  • At the bottom, under Maintain fidelity when sharing this presentation, select the “embed fonts in the file” checkbox

    💡 Check embed only characters used in the document to reduce file size

Gonexa manages the following Word fonts: AharonialDhabi, Andalus, AngsanaNew, AngsanaNew, AngsanaNew, AngsanaUPC, Aparajita, ArialBlack, ArialNova, ArialNovaCond, ArialNovaCondLight, ArialNovaCondLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNova, CambriaMath, Candara, ComicSans SMS, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, CordiaNew, DaunPenh, David, Dengxian, DengxianLight, DFKai-SB, DFKai-SB, DFKai-SB, Dillenia, SB, DilleniauPC, Dillenia, PC, Consolas, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, CordiaNew, CordiaNew, DaunPenh, David, Dengxian, Dengxian, Light, Den Gxian Light, DFKai-SB, DFKai-SB, Dillenia, SB, Dai, SB, Dai Angsong, Franklingothic Medium, Frankruehl, FreesiauPC , Gabriola, Gadugi, Gautami, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia Pro, Georgia Pro Pro, Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro, Pro Light, Georgia Pro Light, Georgia Pro Light, Georgia Pro Light, GeorgiaPro Semibold, GeorgiaProSemibold, GeorgiaProSemibold, GeorgiaProBlack, GeorgiaProcond Black, GeorgiaProcond Black, GeorgiaProcond Black, GeorgiaProcond Black, GeorgiaProcond Black OnDUltrabold, GillSansNovaConDXBD, GillSansNovaLight, GillSansNovaLight, Gisha, Gulim Che, Gungsuhche, Gungsuhche, Impact, IrisUPC, Impact, IrisUPC, IskooPC, IskooLapota, IskooLapota, JasmineUPC, JavaneseText, Kaiti, Kalinga, Kartika, Khmerui, Kodchiangupc, Kokila, LaOui, Latha, Leelawadee, Leelawadee, Leelawadeeui II, Leelawadeeuisemilight, LevenImt, LilyUPC, Lucida Console, LucidaSans Unicode, MalgunGothic, MalgunGothic Semilight, Mangal, Marlett, Meiryo, Meiryoui, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft Jhenghei, Microsoft Jhengheiight, Microsoft Jhengheiight, Microsoft Jhengheiui, Microsoft Jhengheiui Light, Microsoft Jhengheiui Light, Microsoft New Tailue, Microsoft Phagspa, Microsoft, Microsoft, Jhenghei Light, Microsoft, Microsoft, Jhengheiui Light, Microsoft, Microsoft, Microsoft, Sans Serif, MicrosoftTaille, MicrosoftYuigur, MicrosoftYahei, MicrosoftYaheiLight, MicrosoftYaheiLight, MicrosoftYaheiUILight, MicrosoftYibaiti, MingLiu, Mingliu-ExTB, Mingliu-ExTB, Mingliu_Extb, Mingliu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS-ExTB, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_Hkscs-ExTB, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_, MSGothic, MsMincho, MSPGothic, MSPGothic, MSPMincho, MSUIGothic, MvBOli, MyanMartext, Narkisim, NeueHaasGroteskTextPro, Nirmalaui, NIRMalaui, NIRMALAUISEMILIGHT, NIMSUN, Nyala, PalatinolinoType, PlantageNetCherokee, PMingliu, PMingliu, PMingliu-EXTB, NIRMalaui, ExtB, NirmalauiseMilight, NIRMalaui, ExtraLight, NirmalauiseMilight, NIRMalauiseMilight, Nyala, PalatinolinoType, PlantageNetCherokee, PMingliu, PMingliu, PmingLiu-ExtB, Raavi, PMingliu-ExTB, Raavi, RockwellNova Extrabold, RockwellNovaCondLight, RockwellNovaCondLight, RockwellNovaConWellNovaLight, Rod, SakkalMajalla, SanskritText, SegoeMDL2Assets, SegoePrint, SegoeScript, SegoeuiBlack, SegoeuiEmoji, SegoeuiEmoji, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, Sego, SimHei, Simplified Arabic, Simplified Arabic Fixed, SimSun Fixed, SimSun, SimSun - ExTB, SitkaBanner, SitkaDisplay, SitkaHeading, SitkaSmall, SitkaSubheading, SitkaText, SitkaText, SitkaText, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, TimesNewRoman, TraditionalArabic, TrebuchTMS, Tunga, UrduTypeSetting, Utsaah, Vani, Vani, Vani, Vani, Vani, Verdana, Vani, Verdana Text, Sylfaen, Symbol, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Traditional Arabic, TrebucheTMS, Tunga, UrduTypeSetting, Utsaah, Vani, Vani, Vani, Vani, Verdana, Vani, Verdana Text, Sylfaen, Symbol, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Traditional Arabic, Trebuch, MS, ProcondSemibold, VerdanaProLight, VerdanaProSemibold, Vijaya, Vrinda, Vrinda, Webdings, Wingdings, YuGothic, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothic

Manage headers and footers
  • Create headers and footers by double clicking at the top and bottom of the document
  • Check the “different first page” box from the header or footer menu if you want to differentiate the items on the first page
  • Add page numbers from the Insert tab by clicking Page Number. Go to Page Number Formats to set the desired format (1,2,3...) and the start of the numbering.
Add a Table of Contents
  • From the Reference tab, click on Table of Contents and choose the type of table to insert or create a custom one
  • Update the table of contents by right-clicking > Update, in case new titles have been added.

    💡 If you find missing entries, please set the text to be displayed as the title.

Insert and optimize images
  • Add images to your document by clicking on insert: image or by dragging and dropping
  • Optimize the size of your images by compressing them to make the most of your document

    💡 From File, click “Reduce File Size” and choose Screen

Organizing information

TIP #3
Show information
  • It is recommended to avoid using text boxes
  • You can create tables with invisible borders to structure the data
Multi-column display
  • Select the text in question, then, from the Layout tab, click on columns.
  • Choose how many columns to show
Create solidarity paragraphs
  • To prevent rows in a table or paragraph from intersecting between two pages, select the block to split, and right-click to access paragraphs.
  • In the sequence tab, check the box for interrelated paragraphs and interrelated lines. Save.
Repeat table headers
  • To repeat table headers, select the table row (s) that make up the header to be repeated
  • Right-click > table property and from options check “repeat at the top of each page as a header row”. Click OK