Set up your first template using an example using Word or Google Doc
We're going to go through 3 simple steps to achieve this:
Child objects are items that are linked to the main object. These are the “lists associated” with your main object. For example, we will have the “Opportunity Products” linked to an opportunity.
Important, it is not mandatory to have a child object to allow a generation. Only the main object is mandatory.
For more details on children's objects, go to the article Manage tables
You can start from a document template that you already have or download a pre-designed template directly accessible via our page: Pre-designed templates
You will need to know what information you want to dynamically generate in your template.
💡 Astuce, vous pouvez ajouter la balise générique {!gnx|documentdateD} afin d'avoir la date de génération du document. Cette balise est également disponible dans l'Assistant.
Important : It is recommended to keep the weight of the file as small as possible to optimize the generation
Your model is now available for generation to anyone who has the “Gonexa Doc Users permission sets” permission set.
In the case of a log error, there is no Document generated
Your generated document appears in the standard Salesforce preview by default. You can overload it with the Gonexa preview.
💡 Tip, This gives your users access to useful commands such as printing, zooming, or quickly downloading the generated document.
⚠️ Attention, If, when generating the document, the user cannot see the generated template, refer to the management of the document template sharing rules; if the user is in private, access to the template may be blocked if no sharing rule has not been created, we recommend that you change the sharing template setting to public (read-only).
[Optional] Make document generation available based on a criterion based on your main object.
We are going to go through 3 simple steps to design a Word document:
Create a stable, consistent, and clean document by starting with structuring your document.
💡 Change the spacings by hand with horizontal & vertical rulers
Set your titles, subtitles, and body text by creating your own default fonts from the Style Panel tab from Home.
💡 Use the “Reproduce Formatting” tool to homogenize fonts
Incorporate new fonts when you save your Word.
💡 Tick only include characters used in the presentation to reduce file size
💡 Check embed only characters used in the document to reduce file size
Gonexa manages the following Word fonts: AharonialDhabi, Andalus, AngsanaNew, AngsanaNew, AngsanaNew, AngsanaUPC, Aparajita, ArialBlack, ArialNova, ArialNovaCond, ArialNovaCondLight, ArialNovaCondLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNovaLight, ArialNova, CambriaMath, Candara, ComicSans SMS, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, CordiaNew, DaunPenh, David, Dengxian, DengxianLight, DFKai-SB, DFKai-SB, DFKai-SB, Dillenia, SB, DilleniauPC, Dillenia, PC, Consolas, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, Corbel, CordiaNew, CordiaNew, DaunPenh, David, Dengxian, Dengxian, Light, Den Gxian Light, DFKai-SB, DFKai-SB, Dillenia, SB, Dai, SB, Dai Angsong, Franklingothic Medium, Frankruehl, FreesiauPC , Gabriola, Gadugi, Gautami, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia Pro, Georgia Pro Pro, Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro, Pro Light, Georgia Pro Light, Georgia Pro Light, Georgia Pro Light, GeorgiaPro Semibold, GeorgiaProSemibold, GeorgiaProSemibold, GeorgiaProBlack, GeorgiaProcond Black, GeorgiaProcond Black, GeorgiaProcond Black, GeorgiaProcond Black, GeorgiaProcond Black OnDUltrabold, GillSansNovaConDXBD, GillSansNovaLight, GillSansNovaLight, Gisha, Gulim Che, Gungsuhche, Gungsuhche, Impact, IrisUPC, Impact, IrisUPC, IskooPC, IskooLapota, IskooLapota, JasmineUPC, JavaneseText, Kaiti, Kalinga, Kartika, Khmerui, Kodchiangupc, Kokila, LaOui, Latha, Leelawadee, Leelawadee, Leelawadeeui II, Leelawadeeuisemilight, LevenImt, LilyUPC, Lucida Console, LucidaSans Unicode, MalgunGothic, MalgunGothic Semilight, Mangal, Marlett, Meiryo, Meiryoui, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft Jhenghei, Microsoft Jhengheiight, Microsoft Jhengheiight, Microsoft Jhengheiui, Microsoft Jhengheiui Light, Microsoft Jhengheiui Light, Microsoft New Tailue, Microsoft Phagspa, Microsoft, Microsoft, Jhenghei Light, Microsoft, Microsoft, Jhengheiui Light, Microsoft, Microsoft, Microsoft, Sans Serif, MicrosoftTaille, MicrosoftYuigur, MicrosoftYahei, MicrosoftYaheiLight, MicrosoftYaheiLight, MicrosoftYaheiUILight, MicrosoftYibaiti, MingLiu, Mingliu-ExTB, Mingliu-ExTB, Mingliu_Extb, Mingliu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS-ExTB, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_Hkscs-ExTB, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_HKSCS, MingLiu_, MSGothic, MsMincho, MSPGothic, MSPGothic, MSPMincho, MSUIGothic, MvBOli, MyanMartext, Narkisim, NeueHaasGroteskTextPro, Nirmalaui, NIRMalaui, NIRMALAUISEMILIGHT, NIMSUN, Nyala, PalatinolinoType, PlantageNetCherokee, PMingliu, PMingliu, PMingliu-EXTB, NIRMalaui, ExtB, NirmalauiseMilight, NIRMalaui, ExtraLight, NirmalauiseMilight, NIRMalauiseMilight, Nyala, PalatinolinoType, PlantageNetCherokee, PMingliu, PMingliu, PmingLiu-ExtB, Raavi, PMingliu-ExTB, Raavi, RockwellNova Extrabold, RockwellNovaCondLight, RockwellNovaCondLight, RockwellNovaConWellNovaLight, Rod, SakkalMajalla, SanskritText, SegoeMDL2Assets, SegoePrint, SegoeScript, SegoeuiBlack, SegoeuiEmoji, SegoeuiEmoji, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, SegoeuiHistoric, Sego, SimHei, Simplified Arabic, Simplified Arabic Fixed, SimSun Fixed, SimSun, SimSun - ExTB, SitkaBanner, SitkaDisplay, SitkaHeading, SitkaSmall, SitkaSubheading, SitkaText, SitkaText, SitkaText, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, TimesNewRoman, TraditionalArabic, TrebuchTMS, Tunga, UrduTypeSetting, Utsaah, Vani, Vani, Vani, Vani, Vani, Verdana, Vani, Verdana Text, Sylfaen, Symbol, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Traditional Arabic, TrebucheTMS, Tunga, UrduTypeSetting, Utsaah, Vani, Vani, Vani, Vani, Verdana, Vani, Verdana Text, Sylfaen, Symbol, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Traditional Arabic, Trebuch, MS, ProcondSemibold, VerdanaProLight, VerdanaProSemibold, Vijaya, Vrinda, Vrinda, Webdings, Wingdings, YuGothic, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUiLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothicLight, YuGothicUILight, YuGothic
💡 If you find missing entries, please set the text to be displayed as the title.
💡 From File, click “Reduce File Size” and choose Screen