Gonexa University
The condition IF Word does not work
Code Erreur :

Error description

After generating a document, the Word IF condition inserted in the document does not trigger or returns the wrong value, always the same value or only displays part of the result.


  • A condition created from the assistant banner must be added to the document with the “Insert field” function. On Windows, Insert > QuickParts > Field > Category > All > Yes. On macOS, go to the Insert > Insert Field tab. Select the SI condition and paste the condition copied from the assistant banner. It should not be copied as it is into the document.
  • The condition may be hidden and elusive to you. It is made visible with the “Toggle field codes” function accessible with a right click from the document. In the case of a nested condition, select the entire document with a “Control + A” and toggle the field codes to select all the conditions.

Error on the value to be compared

  • The expected value of a picklist field is strictly that of the result at generation. It is the value label. Position the tag to be compared alone in your document and copy and paste the result to ensure that the expected value is correct.
  • The expected value of a currency field is strictly that of the result at generation. The space between the number and the currency is an unbreakable space (Ctrl+Shift+Space) and not a classic space. 0,00€ and not 0
  • It is possible to build a condition on a child tag provided that it is positioned in a table
  • The expected value of a checkbox field is true/ false. If the box is checked the result will be true.


  • In the case of complex logic to set up, creating a formula-type field in Salesforce can get around the problem.


  • Word IF conditions can only be used with Word. However, it is possible to use Excel IF formulas to have similar behavior, however, the equivalent does not exist on PowerPoint, PDF Forms, or Google Docs.

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